
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

Documents: President Chiang Kai-shek's Freedom Day Message

February 01, 1965
President Chiang Kai-shek's
Freedom Day Message

January 23, 1965

Today we observe the 11th anniversary of Freedom Day. On this day eleven years ago, 14,000 Chinese prisoners of the Korean War returned to the free fatherland after putting up a heroic struggle for freedom. Their historic example has inspired the oppressed people behind the Iron Curtain and strengthened their resolve and determination to resist Communist tyranny and seek freedom. It also has shown that in the end, freedom will triumph over slavery and light over darkness. The Communist despotism cannot always keep under control the urge for freedom of the enslaved and the persecuted, nor can it prevent them from breaking out of their black existence into the light of the free life. At a time when we are dedicating ourselves to the supreme goal of destroying the Iron Curtain by supporting the anti-Communist revolution on the Chinese mainland, the celebration of this momentous occasion is highly significant.

With the deepening of conflicts and struggles within the Communist bloc the International Communists .have been plunged into an abyss of ideological chaos, division of leadership, organizational disintegration, and divergence of satellite countries. Moreover, the hundreds of millions of people behind the Iron Curtain, who reject Communist enslavement, are risking their lives to stage uprisings and to flee to freedom in an ever-growing resistance movement. All this indicates that International Communism is on the decline and that the very foundations of totalitarian rule are gradually crumbling, thus creating the most favorable conditions for the free world to tear down the Iron Curtain. However, the most urgent question today is how the tree and democratic nations should come to grips with this opportunity by firming up their determination to maintain freedom and justice, to reject any illusions about compromise with the Communist bloc, and to provide positive support to enslaved people so as to enable them to crush the Communist organization and overthrow Communist tyranny.

The Chinese Communists constitute the root source of all evils in Asia and are the common foe of all free mankind. Today they are isolated by the continuing aggravation of the Peiping-Moscow conflict, and their internal crises have become increasingly serious. During recent years, they have exhausted all their resources so as to be able to explode an atomic device in a desperate attempt to perpetuate their precarious existence. They can be expected to become even more deranged and more inclined to wanton blackmailing. It is our sincere hope that the free world will grasp this opportune moment to strengthen its unity. This is our common struggle. We hope the free world will give us positive support so that we can quickly begin our counter-offensive and before the Reds have time to complete their development of nuclear weapons. In taking this action, we shall coordinate our attack with the revolution on the mainland to overthrow the Communist regime, remove the source of all evils in Asia, and save mankind from the calamity of a nuclear holocaust. After that we shall be in a position to provide greater support to all enslaved peoples in their revolution against tyranny; to help destroy the Iron Curtain in both East and West, and, to repair the damage that Communist despotism has inflicted on the lives and well-being of humanity. This is our deepest conviction and our supreme objective.

